
The Secret Garden

Growing in Love

Very few people are intentionally mean, unkind, or unloving on purpose. Yet it’s so easy to let the priority of love get crowded out in a multitude of business. Or it’s easy to fall into measuring the behavior of others and subconsciously deciding who we think is worthy or deserving of our time and attention and who isn’t. Those are natural, human tendencies, but that doesn’t change the fact that.. Read More


梅尔·维尔德发布于2014年4月25日 我们要怎样遵从于耶稣?并且,事实上我们怎样才能真实得做到耶稣所做过的事?(W.W.J.A.D.=实际上耶稣会做什么事) 其次,遵从会为我们带来怎样的结果?我之所以这么问是因为一旦你明白我说的话,那么它能解开你内心最深处的渴望! 许多人都被教导要遵从耶稣,也有许多人写过类似的话题,但是让我告诉你,这不可能通过我们自己的力量来做到,但是它的做法又简单的远超我们的想象……而效果超乎我们想象的好!

Obeying Jesus’ commandment

by Mel Wild Just how do we obey Jesus? And, for that matter, how do we actually do what Jesus did? Secondly, what is the outcome of this obedience? I ask this because when you understand what I have to say, it will unlock the deepest desires of your heart! A lot has been taught and written about obedience to Christ, but I submit to you that it’s both impossible for us to.. Read More


方言祷告所扮演的重要角色 大卫·罗伯森 (注意:虽然作者在文中把圣灵称为“他”,但是在希伯来文中圣灵是阴性的,在希腊文是中性的。) 在信徒生活里,上帝大能的真正程度,是在于他的生命中,有多少是受圣灵管理。经过了几十年,主已经把有关这主题的丰富启示性知识,传授进我灵里。透过这无与伦比、用天堂来的语言祷告的恩赐,他一步一步地教导我,如何走出肉体支配的生命,进入受圣灵支配的新生命。

The Walk of the Spirit, the Walk of Power

The Vital Role of praying in Tongues -by Dave Roberson (Note: Although the author refers to the Holy Spirit throughout as “He”, the Holy Spirit is feminine in Hebrew; neuter in Greek.) Author’s Introduction: The very measure of God’s power in a believer’s life is dependent on how much of his life is ordered by the Holy Ghost. Over the decades, the Lord has imparted a wealth of revelation knowledge to.. Read More


~ 怎样停止失败 开始获胜 ~ 作者:吉尔博士 第一课:认识仇敌  我们在战事中!   战事 作为基督徒,我们务要认识一个事实,我们是介入战事中的。撒但其中一个主要的战略,就是蒙闭我们,不知道自己处身战阵,也就不会防范牠的偷袭。然而上帝早已把所有的克敌武器赐给我们! 《哥林多后书》十章三、四节 因为我们虽然在血气中行事,却不凭着血气争战。

Authority of the Believer — Lesson 1

How to Quit Losing & Start Winning By A.L. Gill Lesson One: Know Your Enemy WE ARE AT WAR! Warfare As Christians, we must be aware of the fact that we are involved in warfare. One of Satan’s main strategies has been to blind our eyes to the conflict we are in, and thus make us defenseless against his attacks. But God has given us every weapon we need to be victorious over our enemy! 2 Cor.. Read More


让我们看看耶稣复活后有的特质。 一个新身体 body    当耶稣复活后,他不是一个纯粹的灵体。 路加福音24:36-40[和]—正说这话的时候,耶稣亲自站在他们当中,说:“愿你们平安!”(37)他们却惊慌害怕,以为所看见的是魂。(38)耶稣说:“你们为什么愁烦?为什么心里起疑念呢?(39)你们看我的手,我的脚,就知道实在是我了。摸我看看,魂无骨无肉,你们看,我是有的。”(40)说了这话,就把手和脚给他们看。

New Heavenly Bodies

The qualities of our new heavenly bodies Let’s look at the qualities that Jesus had when He was resurrected. A new kind of body When Jesus was resurrected, He was not purely spirit. Luke 24:36-40–Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” (37) But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. (38).. Read More


爱,是我们基督徒的信仰,也就是爱上帝和彼此相爱。因为:“上帝就是爱。”1我们的宗教就是爱。 爱就是一切,因为,若没有爱,世上就会是一片空虚,就不会有朋友和互相关怀的家庭,就不会有体贴入微的父母以及孩子、快乐、或天堂a。若没有爱,这些事物就不可能存在。而没有上帝,就不可能有这些事物,因为上帝就是爱。 爱,真正的爱、上帝的爱和人类之间的爱,才是解决人类当今和过去所有问题的主要方法。即使是在当今这样一个复杂、混乱及高度繁忙的社会里,对上帝和对彼此之间的单纯的爱,也仍然是上帝的解决方法。