
The Secret Garden


为什么上帝不介入来停止世上的苦难? 作者:Elena Sichrovsky “如果上帝真那么爱我,为什么他取走了查理?”我能理解这个14岁的罗珊娜的问题后面的痛苦。当她还是一个孩子时,她的姐姐被绑架并且杀害了。现在,就在几个月以前,她的哥哥被一列火车撞倒身亡。经历了这一系列丧失亲人的痛苦之后,她从情感上和精神上彻底崩溃了。“上帝可以掌管任何事情。上帝可以让他想发生的任何事情发生。他这么有能力,他想做什么都可以。他是上帝。但是他却没有阻止这一切!”她继续说道。

A Perfect World

“Why doesn’t God step in to stop the suffering in this world?” By Elena Sichrovsky “If God loves me so much, why would He take Charlie away?” I could understand the pain behind fourteen-year-old Rosanna’s question. When she was a child her older sister was kidnapped and murdered, and now just months ago her older brother had been hit and killed by a train. Emotionally and mentally she broke under.. Read More


~ 怎样停止失败 开始获胜 ~ 作者:吉尔博士 第二课:地上权柄 大地被造 上帝所创造的 《创世记》告诉我们上帝创造天地。 《创世记》一章一节:起初,上帝创造天地。 撒但来到地上 《启示录》十二章七节:天上发生了战争。米迦勒和他的天使对戾龙作战,戾龙和牠的使者也起来应战。

Authority of the Believer – Lesson 2

How to Quit Losing & Start Winning By A.L. Gill Lesson Two: Authority on Earth EARTH CREATED­­­ By God In Genesis we are told that God created the earth. Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Satan Came to Earth Rev 12:7-9 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,


几乎没有人故意邪恶、不友善或是有意缺乏爱心。在繁忙的生活中,爱容易被挤出;或是我们依据别人的行为而潜意识地决定谁值得我们的时间、注意力。这是人性的自然倾向,但不会改变我们缺乏爱的事实。当我们没有显出爱来,我们可能遭遇可怕的结果,它可以让人失望,从而影响我们的见证。 我们了解,人不必完美而配得爱。他们不必是完美的同事,他们不必毫无差错,不必永远喜乐、积极、善解人意、而且永远不懈努力工作,他们也不必有容易相处的个性。事实上没有人会时时成为那样,然而,作为耶稣的代表,我们的工作是爱,这是我们的职业,爱是我们使命的中心,爱是我们的标志 – 至少应该是。“你们若有彼此相爱的心,众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了。”(约翰福音13:35)

Growing in Love

Very few people are intentionally mean, unkind, or unloving on purpose. Yet it’s so easy to let the priority of love get crowded out in a multitude of business. Or it’s easy to fall into measuring the behavior of others and subconsciously deciding who we think is worthy or deserving of our time and attention and who isn’t. Those are natural, human tendencies, but that doesn’t change the fact that.. Read More


梅尔·维尔德发布于2014年4月25日 我们要怎样遵从于耶稣?并且,事实上我们怎样才能真实得做到耶稣所做过的事?(W.W.J.A.D.=实际上耶稣会做什么事) 其次,遵从会为我们带来怎样的结果?我之所以这么问是因为一旦你明白我说的话,那么它能解开你内心最深处的渴望! 许多人都被教导要遵从耶稣,也有许多人写过类似的话题,但是让我告诉你,这不可能通过我们自己的力量来做到,但是它的做法又简单的远超我们的想象……而效果超乎我们想象的好!

Obeying Jesus’ commandment

by Mel Wild Just how do we obey Jesus? And, for that matter, how do we actually do what Jesus did? Secondly, what is the outcome of this obedience? I ask this because when you understand what I have to say, it will unlock the deepest desires of your heart! A lot has been taught and written about obedience to Christ, but I submit to you that it’s both impossible for us to.. Read More