
The Secret Garden


与流行的错觉恰恰相反,上帝并不期望你去自行解决问题,去自己照料自己。 他对你本人很感兴趣,很想直接和你单独谈话。他将会回答你的问题,解决你的困难;在你迷茫时,赐给你智能;在你迷路时,指出你的方向;在你消沉时,振作你的精神。他还能使你成为别人的力量和鼓励。他对你的爱,会从现在起,一直延续到永远。 你想知道上帝是怎样来对你本人讲话的吗?请你按部就班地遵循本书中所说的这些方法,去发现《聆听天国声音》的奇迹吧! 下载此书 : 聆听天国的声音

Book: Hearing from Heaven

Contrary to a popular misconception, God does not expect you to sort out your own problems and fend for yourself! He has a very personal interest in you, and wants to speak to you personally and directly. He will answer your questions, solve your problems, give you wisdom when you’re bewildered, lead the way when you feel lost, lift your spirits when you’re low, make you a strength and encouragement.. Read More


爱就像一条河流。有些日子里,它会 流动奔腾,因为有很多很多的爱。可 也有时候爱跟涓涓细流一样,你可 以看见它在隐藏的岩石上反弹。即 便爱干涸、不再流动,似乎沉淀在 泥泞的底部时,要记得,还有更多的 爱即将到来。 我们要记得耶稣如何爱,如何 原谅,如何伸出援手,表现关心。以 耶稣为爱的源头,我们可以使爱的 河流再次丰盈。在耶稣基督里,人的 生命可有新的维度。他是爱的权威。

The Kaleidoscope of God’s Love

*Points to Ponder* Love is like a stream. Some days it flows and rushes, for there is plenty. On other days it trickles, and you can see it bouncing against the unseen rocks. But even when love is dry and has lost its flow and lies nearly empty on the muddy bottom, there is more love to come. We remember how Jesus loved, how He forgave, and how He reached.. Read More

书籍: 预知未来

作者 Michael Roy 就在我们将要踏入二○○○年时,我们大部份人不禁想要知道未来将会如何?而地球又是会如何?我们是否即将生活在一个威霸的新世界体制中,人人享有和平安丰裕呢?还是我们正处在空前大混乱和灾祸的边缘呢?或两者皆是? 这本书将提供你这些答案,使你可以为你的未来先做准备。下载此书 : 预知未来 令人惊讶的一点是,本书中对现今世界所作的描述,其实是一些早在几千年前就已被人预说的预言。我们将会查证这些在二三千年前作的明确详细的预言和预测,它们精确地描述一些已在世上发生或将要发生的情况以及事件,而这些事件都将会在我们有生之年发生。

Book: The Future Foretold

By Michael Roy As we move into the next millennium, many of us can’t help but wonder what the future holds for us and our planet. Are we on the threshold of a brave New World Order, with peace and plenty for all? Or are we tottering on the brink of unprecedented chaos and disaster? — Or both? This booklet provides answers that will prepare you for what’s ahead. Download.. Read More