
The Secret Garden

Daily 365: July 4 每日365: 七月四日

每日365 七月四日                                               如果我们能信赖上帝会照料我们的生命的话,我们为什么不能信赖他会照料我们的死亡呢? 对基督徒来说,想到有关死亡或天堂已不再是一个负担、也不再是一件令人担心的事了。它是一个胜利!它是一个解放、一个毕业!“死啊!你的毒钩在那里?坟墓啊,你得胜的权势在那里?”(林前15:55-57)对一个得救的、复活的基督徒来说,死亡并没有毒钩,坟墓也并不是一种失败!我们的死亡将会是一个战胜坟墓的胜利、战胜罪的胜利、战胜魔鬼的胜利!它是一个荣耀的胜利,荣耀地进入到天堂的境界里! 上帝知道你该在何时、如何去死亡。如果你是一个基督徒、并爱上主的话,上帝就早已指定了那个在你工作完成时的死亡时间和地点。“因这神永永远远为我们的神,他必作我们引路的,直到死时。”(诗48:14)当死亡的时刻来临时,他将会给你死时的恩典。我们既然以耶稣的名来做每一件事情,那么为什么不能以耶稣的名去死呢?并且,为什么不能信赖他去决定你该怎样、在什么时候、什么地方、为他的荣耀而死呢? 上帝祝福和保守你去信赖他,甚至在经历死亡之时!不要担心,你将会这样做的!你死时就会像你活着时一样,仍然在信赖他!   DAILY 365 July  4 If we can trust God with our lives, why can’t we trust Him with our deaths? For the Christian, thinking ahead about death is not a burden anymore. It’s no longer something to worry about. It’s a victory, a release, a graduation. “O death, where is thy sting? O.. Read More

Daily 365: May 29 每日365: 五月二十九日

DAILY 365 May 29 “Dying Grace” means perfect peace, perfect rest, no worry, no fear!                 Dwight L. Moody was once asked, “Dr. Moody, do you have dying grace?” “No, I don’t,” he answered.–“I’m not dying yet!” But when it comes time to die, He’ll give you dying grace–the grace to die gracefully as a witness & a testimony!–“As thy days, so shall thy strength be!” (Deu.33:25) Whether you die.. Read More

Daily 365: May 7 每日365: 五月七日

DAILY 365 May 7 “Sown in weakness, raised in power!” (1Cor15:43)                 If you want to know what you’re going to be like in Heaven, what your Heavenly body is going to be like, it’s going to be like you are now, only much more Heavenly, eternal, beautiful, wonderful, thrilling & glorious! (Phi.3:21)                 When the Lord created the cycles of butterflies & moths, He was illustrating resurrection. They hatch.. Read More

Daily 365: April 10 每日365: 四月十日

DAILY 365 April 10 It’s not forever that loved ones will be gone.    Death is a sad parting, even for Christians. It’s a sad parting for those of us who are left behind, & in a way it’s even sad for those who go on, to have to leave us behind for a little while. But thank God, our sorrow is not as those who have no hope, for.. Read More

Authority of the Believer — Lesson 7

How to Quit Losing & Start Winning By. A.L. Gill   EASTER Part 2 Lesson Seven: Authority Restored to Mankind WORK OF JESUS COMPLETE! The work of Jesus was, and is, complete! When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them the authority to rule this earth. Through sin, they lost this authority to Satan. Then Jesus, the perfect man, the Last Adam, walked on this earth in every manner that God had created man to.. Read More

Authority of the Believer — Lesson 6

How to Quit Losing & Start Winning By. A.L. Gill   EASTER Part 1 Lesson Six: From the Cross to the Throne   DEATH OF JESUS   Satan’s kingdom was being destroyed, and Satan knew that Jesus must be killed. Deception had worked with the angels. It had worked against Adam and Eve. But it had not worked against Jesus! However, once again, Satan used deception. He deceived the religious leaders of that day.. Read More

New Heavenly Bodies

The qualities of our new heavenly bodies Let’s look at the qualities that Jesus had when He was resurrected. A new kind of body When Jesus was resurrected, He was not purely spirit. Luke 24:36-40–Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” (37) But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. (38).. Read More

Reunion With Loved Ones

Another wonderful thing about Heaven will be a reunion with our loved ones! It’ll be the greatest family reunion ever known, with your loved ones and relatives and children and parents and ancestors and descendants and fellow laborers and loves. There we will all be together in one place at the same time, rejoicing and praising the Lord all together in one great, grand Heavenly fellowship meeting. So that’s another.. Read More

Nothing to Fear

Fear of death is one of the greatest fears that grips people, but the Bible tells us that Jesus can set us free from those fears. He conquered death! There is nothing to fear, only a joyful and patient waiting to meet our Savior face-to-face.