
The Secret Garden

A Declaration of Love!

As Christians, we believe in love!——Love for God and others, for “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) That’s our religion —— love! Love is everything, for without love there is nothing: no friends, no caring families, no loving fathers or mothers or children or happiness or Heaven. There could be none of these without love! And none of these could exist without God, for God is love. Love is the.. Read More


建立联系 在上帝看来,祷告并不是一种仪式,而是两位知己之间的那种充满爱心的、活生生的交流。 但令人悲哀的是,大部分人认为:他们与上帝之间是不能有那样的交流的。有些人认为:他们对基督教不够虔诚,不够正义,对灵里的事情也所知有限。有些人认为:上帝太伟大,太高深,太遥远了。有些人认为:上帝实在是太忙了,他根本就没有空闲的时间来关心他们、或来解决他们的问题;他们还认为:他们本人和他们自身的问题,对上帝来说实在是太微不足道了。有些人认为:他们不够好,因此不配去与上帝进行任何交流。有些人则为自己以前所做过的错事而感到羞愧或耻辱。有些人甚至还很惧怕上帝。假如这些人知道上帝对此有截然不同的看法的话,该有多好啊!

Prayer Power

Making the Connection God’s idea of prayer is not a ritual, but loving and lively communication between the best of friends. But sad to say, most people think they can’t talk to God like that. Some think they’re not religious enough, not righteous enough, or not spiritual enough. Some think He’s too big—too far above them. Some think He’s too busy to be concerned about them and their problems, which.. Read More


你对上帝的服事,可以蓬勃发展,却同时与上帝之间缺乏一种欣欣向荣的关系。但这情形只是暂时的。任何人都可以在短期内假装与上帝有亲密的关系;但要长期有这种关系,你就必需与耶稣之间有一种充满激情的灵性生活,时时保持与他亲近。牧师们往往会让忙碌的服事和准备讲道等,取代了他们与耶稣之间的真实 而个人的关系。但上帝要对你更好。 与耶稣有欣欣向荣的关系之三个要素……

How to Have a Thriving Intimacy With God

You can have a thriving ministry without a thriving relationship with God, but only temporarily. Anyone can fake it in the short run, but to go the distance, you need a passionate devotional life and continual closeness to Jesus. Often, pastors tend to allow the busyness of ministry and the necessity of studying for sermon preparation to replace a real, personal walk with Jesus. But God wants better for you.


“灵魂的救赎是一时的奇迹,但圣徒的造就却是一生的使命。” ——亚兰·雷德帕斯 在圣诞节的时候,当我们回想起耶稣降生凡尘的那晚、那个马槽,那些天使,总能带给我们美妙的感觉。我们在圣诞季时总会花几周时间把精神集中在这一想法上,甚至在一年中的其它时候还时不时会对它进行沉思。 但这只是整个故事重点中的一部分。耶稣并不是偶然降生于凡尘,好让天使们为他欢呼鼓舞。他也不是降临这里来渡过简单的一生。事实上,他甚至不是为了被生出来、过凡人的一生、为我们的罪而死然后死后复生而来。所有这些故事中非常重要的事都只是无限永生的开端。自从耶稣在世间所生活的那短暂的几年以来,他与圣灵已与所有试图向他靠近的人们同在;他日以继夜地作工,一生又一生永不停歇,来响应我们内心的呼唤。

In It for the Long Term

“The salvation of a soul is the miracle of a moment, but the manufacture of a saint is the task of a lifetime.” —Alan Redpath It’s wonderful at Christmas to think about the manger, the angels, and that night when Jesus came to earth. It’s a thought that we focus on for a few weeks over the Christmas season, and we might even ponder it from time to time throughout.. Read More