
The Secret Garden


~ 怎样停止失败 开始获胜 ~ 作者:吉尔博士 第一课:认识仇敌  我们在战事中!   战事 作为基督徒,我们务要认识一个事实,我们是介入战事中的。撒但其中一个主要的战略,就是蒙闭我们,不知道自己处身战阵,也就不会防范牠的偷袭。然而上帝早已把所有的克敌武器赐给我们! 《哥林多后书》十章三、四节 因为我们虽然在血气中行事,却不凭着血气争战。

Authority of the Believer — Lesson 1

How to Quit Losing & Start Winning By A.L. Gill Lesson One: Know Your Enemy WE ARE AT WAR! Warfare As Christians, we must be aware of the fact that we are involved in warfare. One of Satan’s main strategies has been to blind our eyes to the conflict we are in, and thus make us defenseless against his attacks. But God has given us every weapon we need to be victorious over our enemy! 2 Cor.. Read More