
The Secret Garden


梅尔·维尔德发布于2014年4月25日 我们要怎样遵从于耶稣?并且,事实上我们怎样才能真实得做到耶稣所做过的事?(W.W.J.A.D.=实际上耶稣会做什么事) 其次,遵从会为我们带来怎样的结果?我之所以这么问是因为一旦你明白我说的话,那么它能解开你内心最深处的渴望! 许多人都被教导要遵从耶稣,也有许多人写过类似的话题,但是让我告诉你,这不可能通过我们自己的力量来做到,但是它的做法又简单的远超我们的想象……而效果超乎我们想象的好!

Obeying Jesus’ commandment

by Mel Wild Just how do we obey Jesus? And, for that matter, how do we actually do what Jesus did? Secondly, what is the outcome of this obedience? I ask this because when you understand what I have to say, it will unlock the deepest desires of your heart! A lot has been taught and written about obedience to Christ, but I submit to you that it’s both impossible for us to.. Read More