
The Secret Garden

Daily 365: June 2 每日365: 六月二日

每日365 六月二日                                                  耶稣是和平之君!--只有借着他我们才能拥有平安! 虽然这个世界充满了纠纷和混乱,但上主说过:“坚心倚赖您的,您必保守他十分平安,因为他倚靠您”;“爱既完全,就把惧怕除去”。(赛26:3;约壹4:18)即使外面有战争、骚动和混乱,但你仍能借着“和平之君”耶稣基督,在里面、在你自己的心里拥有平安! 与上帝和解就是与上帝和好的意思。那么,与上帝和解、和好的唯一方法又是什么呢?那就是借着耶稣去这么做!耶稣就是那个用自己的宝血来使我们与上帝和好的人。除了耶稣的宝血以外,上帝将不会接受任何其它的和解条件!只有借着基督,才有救恩;只有借着“和平之君”,才有平安;只有借着上帝的圣言,才有真理! 如果你能确定自己是属于上主的,他就会在此生此地给予你思想上的平安、心灵上的满足、爱和快乐,并给你天堂!然后,你就能够做好准备,去面对任何灾难!因为你知道:不论发生了什么,他都会来照顾你!上主真的让我们以自己的关心和祷告来决定许多事情!   DAILY 365 (no translation found)    

Daily 365: June 1 每日365: 六月一日

每日365 六月一日 上主想让你成为一个完全长大了的、成熟的基督徒! 在我们得救和重生以后,我们在灵性上就如小孩子一样;而每一天,一个小孩子必须多吃、多运动、以便更快地成长!但有许多基督徒仅仅长到几岁时就停止生长了,他们从未长大、从未变得成熟起来!他们以为自己已经学到了许多东西,因此不必再学习了;所以,他们便从未长成上主期望我们每个人所成为的那种成熟的基督徒!也就是那种能够承担很多职责和勇于牺牲的真正士兵! 上帝的圣言说,就连耶稣“还是因所受的苦难学了顺从”!“他的智慧和身量,并上帝和人喜爱他的心,都一齐增长。”(来5:8;路2:52)每一天,我们都会学到一些有关服从的新事。虽然有些事变得更艰难,但有些事则变得更容易,就如同长大一样!生命的成长就是如此! 灵性上的成熟与岁月无关,它在于你与上主和他的圣言之间的联系如何,以及你的服从和谦卑的程度怎样。当一个小孩子学到为他人牺牲、去分享、以及去帮助别人的时候,他就长成一个大人了!在上主的眼中,这就是成熟!     DAILY 365 June 1 Jesus wants us to grow into the stature of full-grown mature Christians. When we are saved or “Born Again” (John 3:3–8), at first we’re like babies, spiritually speaking. Like babies need nourishment and exercise every day to be healthy and grow, we need spiritual nourishment and exercise every day. But a lot of Christians stop growing when they.. Read More

Daily 365: May 31 每日365: 五月三十一日

DAILY 365 May 31 Out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks! (Matthew.12:34b)                We’re the vessels of His Love to pour out His Love to others. It’s all the Lord, it’s all His Love, but He needs someone to work through. We’re channels & tools in His hand!                 “Open your mouth,” the Bible says, “and He will fill it.” (Psa.81:10) But where does He fill it from?.. Read More

Daily 365: May 30 每日365: 五月三十日

DAILY 365 May 30 Whatsover you do in word or in deed, do all to the glory of Love!         Whatsoever we do in word or in deed, we’re to do all to the glory of God! (1Cor.10:31)–And God is Love, so we’re to do it all to the glory of Love! There’s no law but love in God’s Kingdom of Love! God now only judges according.. Read More

Daily 365: May 29 每日365: 五月二十九日

DAILY 365 May 29 “Dying Grace” means perfect peace, perfect rest, no worry, no fear!                 Dwight L. Moody was once asked, “Dr. Moody, do you have dying grace?” “No, I don’t,” he answered.–“I’m not dying yet!” But when it comes time to die, He’ll give you dying grace–the grace to die gracefully as a witness & a testimony!–“As thy days, so shall thy strength be!” (Deu.33:25) Whether you die.. Read More

Daily 365: May 28 每日365: 五月二十八日

DAILY 365 May 28 “Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you.” (1Corithians.11:24)       The bread used for Communion represents His body. It’s like a picture of our PHYSICAL Salvation.     His body was broken for us in a number of ways.–The crown of thorns, the beatings, the stripes, the injuries He suffered, the pain He suffered. He didn’t have to suffer all that.. Read More

Daily 365: May 27 每日365: 五月二十七日

DAILY 365 May 27 If you can’t be a missionary, support one!                 Jesus said that we are to “Seek first the Kingdom of God!” (Mat.6:33) What is God’s Kingdom? It’s the people who love Him & those He loves! If people are God’s Kingdom, we are supposed to witness & be soul-winners or help others to win souls! To help His Kingdom is to help His people!–And the way.. Read More

Daily 365: May 26 每日365: 五月二十六日

DAILY 365 May 26 Only one life, ’twill soon be past! Only what’s done for Christ will last!                 Every Christian was intended to bury his life in the soil of God’s service & sacrifice, & to lay down his life & take up his cross & follow Jesus & to bear fruit, many more Christians like himself. (Lk.9:23,24; Jn.15:8) For Jesus Himself said, “Except a corn of wheat fall.. Read More

Daily 365: May 25 每日365: 五月二十五日

DAILY 365 May 25 Honestly admit your faults & failures to yourself & to the Lord!                                The best thing to do with faults & failures & mistakes & weak points is to see them, recognize them, be honest about them & then try to somehow overcome them if we can!                 When we make a mistake, God doesn’t just throw us out. If so, we’d have been thrown out.. Read More

Daily 365: May 24 每日365: 五月二十四日

DAILY 365 May 24 Start the day off right! Hear from the Lord!       The Lord speaks in a still, small, but very definite, firm & loving voice. But if you’re too noisy, you’re not going to hear it. You’re going to have to get quiet by yourself somewhere, somehow, sometime, if you’re going to hear from the Lord. He’ll solve a lot of your problems before the.. Read More