April 16

Don’t underestimate the power that God has given each of us! According to your faith be it unto you!

     God’s Word tells His children, “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the World!” (1John 4:4) In other words, God is saying, “My power in you is much greater than the Devil’s power in his children, the children of the World.–Much greater!”–In fact, their power is so puny compared to the power of God, that they’re like little kids playing with matches while we’ve got lightning bolts! The power of God’s Holy Spirit of Love is the greatest power on Earth!

     If you totally yield yourself to the Lord in submission & humility, then He will empower you & fill you with His Spirit!–You then become a POWERHOUSE, a GENERATOR of the Spirit of God!–It’s like you have a big electric power cable in your hand, but you’re so in tune with it yourself that you can hold the cable & use its power to create, to mend, to heal & to love.–“For with God nothing shall be impossible, & all things are possible to him that believeth!” (Luke.1:37; Mark 9:23) Are you “Strong in the Lord & in the POWER of HIS might?” (Eph.6:10)–If not, receive power now by asking Him to fill & renew you with His HOLY SPIRIT! (Acts 1:8; Tit.3:5)







 Daily 365: April 17 每日365: 四月十七日