






July  5

Nothing is ever going to stop us but Jesus!

The forces of evil will never be able to completely destroy God’s children. In spite of innumerable major persecutions, they have never been stopped. In spite of all the wrath and atrocities bestial man will bring against God’s children during the Great Tribulation—the coming three-and-a-half-year worldwide reign of terror against people of all faiths by the devilish dictatorship of the Antichrist and his regime—multitudes of us Christians will still be here to joyously welcome Christ’s triumphant re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere (Matthew 24:21, 29–31). He’s the only One who can stop us, and He will stop us then for a little while to take us home for a party, the marriage supper of the Lamb in Heaven! Then we’ll come back here and put a stop to the reign of the wicked! (Revelation chapter 19).

So praise the Lord, beloved. Don’t feel defeated, don’t get discouraged, and don’t worry. No matter what the enemies of Christ do, they can never stop us completely. As Martin Luther (1483–1546) said, “We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us!” We can’t fail, because Jesus is on our side. There will always be some of His children somewhere in the world as a witness right up to the very end!