
The Secret Garden

信徒的权柄- -第六课

~ 怎样停止失败 开始获胜 ~ 作者:吉尔博士 复活节 – 第一部分   第六课: 从十架到宝座 耶稣的死 国度遭受破坏,撒但务要置耶稣于死地。牠先迷惑天使,接着是亚当和夏娃。然而却无法在耶稣身上得逞! 不过,撒但仍再次运用迷惑的技俩。牠骗倒昔日的宗教领袖,他们要求处死耶稣。就像昔日进借助蛇的身体,诱骗亚当和夏娃,撒但又照样附在犹大的身体内,使他出卖耶稣。 撒但痛恨耶稣,不只要置祂于死地,更要令祂痛苦不堪。撒但所有的随从:执政的、掌权的、管治幽暗的,和恶鬼,牠们一概袖手旁观。牠们正期待高奏凯歌,欢欣高兴的日子,那时却是牠们被毁灭的时刻。

Authority of the Believer — Lesson 6

How to Quit Losing & Start Winning By. A.L. Gill   EASTER Part 1 Lesson Six: From the Cross to the Throne   DEATH OF JESUS   Satan’s kingdom was being destroyed, and Satan knew that Jesus must be killed. Deception had worked with the angels. It had worked against Adam and Eve. But it had not worked against Jesus! However, once again, Satan used deception. He deceived the religious leaders of that day.. Read More