
The Secret Garden

书籍:擘饼的真谛--Cornel Marais

我和SIMON WILSON花了一些时间共同完成了这本手册——新契约之下的基本医治原则。我知道这只是一个简单概述,不能涵盖所有内容。接下来我们会逐渐完善、添加更多东西。这份材料是完全免费的,所以请你与身边的弟兄姊妹尽情分享! 全世界有很多同工正在将这本手册翻译成不同种语言。对此,我们感激不已!如果译文中有任何需要改进的地方,还请及时提出宝贵意见。 ——CORNEL MARAIS 本书各个章节之间连贯性、逻辑性较强。希望弟兄姊妹们用安静的心认真、完整地阅读此书。以免断章取义。 ——译者 下载这本书:擘饼的真谛

Book: Administering the Children’s Bread — Cornel Marais & Simon Wilson

Destroy the traditions of man that nullify the power of God in your life! Go back to square one and study the scriptures in this easy to read manual about healing under the New Covenant. No formulas, no digging in the past or endless fasting and praying, creating atmospheres or pressing into the presence! Just pure Jesus and His amazing GOOD NEWS! This manual has helped thousands of people see.. Read More



True Love – Forever Love!

At times you wonder if anybody really understands you or truly cares. You wonder if love exists–true, unchanging, unending love. Sometimes you feel so alone, and your existence seems so pointless. You ask yourself, “What am I here for? What am I supposed to do? Why am I alive? Is there a God? And if so, where is He? Who is He?”



Hearing From Heaven – Getting Started

As with anything else, getting started isn’t always easy, and the hardest part for most people is learning to let go. You have to be willing to let go of any preconceived ideas you may have and to open your mind and heart to the Lord’s thoughts and the ways of His Spirit, which are different from your own.



He Needs Us

Think of it! The great God, the Creator of the universe, needs you and me. You see, Jesus is incomplete without us. He is love, and without someone to love, He cannot give as His nature compels Him to. Therefore He needs us, the object of His love, and then He needs and desperately wants us to return His love. He yearns for us, He weeps for us, He longs.. Read More



Nothing to Fear

Fear of death is one of the greatest fears that grips people, but the Bible tells us that Jesus can set us free from those fears. He conquered death! There is nothing to fear, only a joyful and patient waiting to meet our Savior face-to-face.