
The Secret Garden


在我上高中的时候,我觉得有一位老师比所有别的老师都更为特殊,他使我永生难忘。我们都叫他乔叔叔。乔叔叔是一个非常风趣的人。他年纪虽大,却有一颗赤子之心。他使那些乏味无趣的历史课本变得生动无比,妙趣横生;他还为我们每天的生活带来了许多朝气的火花。 乔叔叔特别关心照顾一位名叫米其的男生,我们都叫他“特殊的孩子”。米其的确很特别,他患有自闭症,因此没有能力来照顾自己。所以,我们的老师乔叔叔就亲自喂他、帮他穿衣服、带他出去散步,并念故事书给他听。

The Greatest of These

In ninth grade, there was one teacher who stood out to me more than all the rest. We called him Uncle Jo. Uncle Jo was a funny guy, aging in years but a kid at heart. He made those boring history books seem exceptionally fun and put the sparkle into everything about life. Uncle Jo cared for a boy named Mikey whom we called “the special child.” Mikey was indeed.. Read More