
The Secret Garden

Prayer Power

Making the Connection God’s idea of prayer is not a ritual, but loving and lively communication between the best of friends. But sad to say, most people think they can’t talk to God like that. Some think they’re not religious enough, not righteous enough, or not spiritual enough. Some think He’s too big—too far above them. Some think He’s too busy to be concerned about them and their problems, which.. Read More

How to Have a Thriving Intimacy With God

You can have a thriving ministry without a thriving relationship with God, but only temporarily. Anyone can fake it in the short run, but to go the distance, you need a passionate devotional life and continual closeness to Jesus. Often, pastors tend to allow the busyness of ministry and the necessity of studying for sermon preparation to replace a real, personal walk with Jesus. But God wants better for you.

Saved by a Prayer (Part 2)

Appropriating faith In a desperate attempt to teach the principle of appropriating faith to the members of his church, a preacher once offered his expensive pocket watch to a group of boys sitting on the front row. “Sonny, would you like to have this watch?” he asked the oldest boy. “You can’t fool me! I know you don’t mean it,” answered the boy.

Saved by a Prayer (Part 1)

When you stop to think about it, our modern means of communication would probably be totally incomprehensible to someone living only a few generations ago. Yet without a second thought we pick up the telephone and talk with someone thousands of miles away, or send a letter via e-mail to a colleague on the other side of the world, which were confident they’ll receive in a matter of minutes. Although.. Read More

You’ve Already Got It! Part 2

Read Part 1 here It is far easier to release something you already have than it is to try to obtain something you don’t have. It’s a step in the right direction to believe that God can heal, but there is still an element of doubt in that approach. It’s the equivalent of looking at something way off in the future: it might happen, but then again, it might not… Read More

You’ve Already Got It! Part 1

Watching a dog run in circles chasing its own tail can be pretty amusing. Round and round the puppy will go, trying to catch something that it already has. Unfortunately, this is also a picture of the average Christian: chasing after something they already have. You might be thinking, What do I already have?