
The Secret Garden

How about a new life?

God created us with the need to love and be loved, and He alone can satisfy the deepest yearning of every human soul for total love and complete understanding. The things of this earth can satisfy the body, but only God and His eternal love can ever fill that aching spiritual void in our hearts, that space He created for Himself alone. The human spirit can never be completely satisfied.. Read More


如果你已经邀请耶稣进入你心中,你就已经在灵里开始了新生。圣经说:“若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了!”(圣经,哥林多后书5:17) 当你踏上这一灵性旅程时,你将逐渐认识上帝的爱与真理,并通过学习如何运用它,而过上充满更多爱与平安的生活。它并不复杂。感谢上帝,他已经提供了大量的指引,帮助我们找到途径。

Starting Your New Life

If you’ve asked Jesus to come into your heart, you’ve begun a new spiritual life. The Bible says, “If anyone be in Christ, He is a new creation. Old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new!” (The Bible, 2 Corinthians 5:17). As you embark on this spiritual journey, you will begin to discover God’s love and truth, and learn how to apply it so that you can.. Read More


问:我做错了什么事……? 我曾认为:当我接受了耶稣和被圣灵1所充满之后,我的家人和朋友们就会因为我的变化而感到高兴。但是,虽然有些人为我高兴,可有些人却并非如此。实际上,对所有的老朋友来说,我不再像以前那样地与他们亲近了;因为我们的兴趣有了差异,所以他们说:他们还是更喜欢“以前的我”。我该怎么办呢?

Answers to your Questions…

Q: What am I doing wrong…? I thought that when I received Jesus and was filled with the Holy Spirit, my family and friends would be happy at the change in me. Some are, but others aren’t. In fact, I’m not as close to most of my old friends as I used to be because we have different interests now, and they say they liked “the old me” better. What.. Read More


系好你的安全带吧!我们马上就要离开这个单调乏味、具有局限性的平面领域了!我们将要去探索一个引人入胜的灵性世界! 来吧!现在请将你的频率调整到这个永恒真实的神秘空间里。这是一个永生永恒的世界,而不是当今这个正在趋向死亡的世界;它是一个永恒不朽的境界,而不是受时间限制的短暂空间。这个引人入胜的空间,很难为我们凡人的肉眼所见;因为我们所能见到的,只不过是一个平凡而短暂的时空而已。

The 2-Dimensional Man

Fasten your seat belt! We are about to leave the drab and restrictive domain of the Flatlander and delve into the thrilling realm of the spirit world!   Come now and tune in to the mysterious dimension of eternal realities: the living world of forever rather than the dying world of now, the everlasting realm of eternity rather than the temporary space of time, the fascinating dimension that is largely.. Read More

