
The Secret Garden

Saved by a Prayer (Part 2)

Appropriating faith In a desperate attempt to teach the principle of appropriating faith to the members of his church, a preacher once offered his expensive pocket watch to a group of boys sitting on the front row. “Sonny, would you like to have this watch?” he asked the oldest boy. “You can’t fool me! I know you don’t mean it,” answered the boy.

借着祷告而获救 (一)

如果你认真地想一想的话,就会明白:我们所使用的现代通讯手段,对仅仅是前几代人来说,也许是根本就不可能理解的东西。我们不假思索地拿起电话来和几千英哩之外的人聊天,或者给住在地球另一端的同学发送电子邮件,并确信:在几分钟之内,他们就会收到。 就像我们的祖先对电话通讯和国际网络所感到的不可思议一样,有些从未尝试过祷告的人,对祷告的概念也感到不可理解。尽管如此,通过祷告与耶稣接通联系,就像你给挚友打电话一样地简单、真切和实在。你绝对不会听到占线的忙音,也绝对不会听到电话录音器的应答;而且,你还不用花长途电话费。

Saved by a Prayer (Part 1)

When you stop to think about it, our modern means of communication would probably be totally incomprehensible to someone living only a few generations ago. Yet without a second thought we pick up the telephone and talk with someone thousands of miles away, or send a letter via e-mail to a colleague on the other side of the world, which were confident they’ll receive in a matter of minutes. Although.. Read More


在我们遍布世界各地七十多个国家的事工生涯中,有成千上万的人得医治。这其中有极小部分是由我们为他们作了个别的祷告,而绝大多数人则是在领受了我们于讲台上或书本上所宣讲的真理时得到了信心,从而获得到神的医治。 在出版本书第一版时,我们没有想到它会祝福这么多的人。

Book: Healing the Sick – By T.L. Osborn

Among the tens of thousands who have been miraculously healed by the Lord under our own ministry in 70 nations of the world, only a small fraction of them have been individually prayed for. Most of them have been healed through their own faith which came to them while meditating on the Bible truths we presented from the platform or from the printed page. When we published the first edition.. Read More


将你已经拥有的释放出来比试图去获得你所没有的东西要容易得多。相信神 能够 医治是在正确的方向上迈出了一步, 但在这种态度里仍然有怀疑的成份存在。 这相当于看未来非常遥远的事: 它有可能发生, 但也有可能不会发生。 但是,当你开始理解 你已经拥有了医治 ,就是完全不同的状况了。 医治有可能还没有在你的身体上彰显出来,但你凭信心知道,你在灵里已经拥有了医治。

You’ve Already Got It! Part 2

Read Part 1 here It is far easier to release something you already have than it is to try to obtain something you don’t have. It’s a step in the right direction to believe that God can heal, but there is still an element of doubt in that approach. It’s the equivalent of looking at something way off in the future: it might happen, but then again, it might not… Read More

你已经得到了! (一)

小狗转圈追自己的尾巴是很有趣的事。它转了一圈又一圈,努力想去抓住自己已经有了的东西。不幸的是,这也正是描绘许多基督徒的一幅画面:追逐着他们已经得到了的东西。你可能会想, 我已经得到什么了? 实际上,你已经拥有了一切。神已经给了我们需要的每一样东西。不论你现在想要神给你的是什么,其实都已经得到了供应。你不需要让神来医治、拯救、解脱你或是给你带来富足、喜乐和平安。所有的这些东西已经都被提供了。

You’ve Already Got It! Part 1

Watching a dog run in circles chasing its own tail can be pretty amusing. Round and round the puppy will go, trying to catch something that it already has. Unfortunately, this is also a picture of the average Christian: chasing after something they already have. You might be thinking, What do I already have?

