
The Secret Garden

The Holy Spirit

We need to recognize that the Holy Spirit is a foundational part of our lives as Christians. Jesus told His disciples not to go anywhere or say anything until the Holy Spirit came (Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:4-5). Think about that. Jesus’ death and resurrection was the greatest news the world had ever known, but He told the disciples not to tell anyone until they received the power of the.. Read More


通常基督徒都不理解上帝给他们的应许。一般人亲近上帝仿佛他们自己完全无力无助。曾有上百人眼含泪水,向我倾诉他们的问题,基本都是说他们无力改变他们的处境。然而,基督徒真是大有能力。感到无能为力完全悖于来自上帝的话语圣经的教导。 耶稣给他的门徒权柄,能赶走污鬼,并医治各样的病症。(马太福音10:1)他也给予他们应许去运用这个权柄,他吩咐他们去运用并说:“随走随传,说天国近了!医治病人,叫死人复活,叫长大麻疯的洁净,把鬼赶出去。你们白白地得来,也要白白地舍去。”(马太福音10: 7-8) 耶稣说“医治病人。”他没说为病人祈祷。也许看起来只是细微的差别,在实际的操作中却出现巨大的差异。如今,相当大的一部分基督徒并不相信上帝在医治,因为当他们祈祷时从没看到任何事发生。他们也不寻求上帝权力的超自然显现。

The Authority Of The Believer

Christians generally don’t understand the authority that God has given them. The average person is approaching God as if they have no power or authority. I’ve had hundreds of people come to me with tears in their eyes, present their problem to me, and basically tell me they are powerless to change their situation. Yet believers are anything but powerless. Starting from a position of powerlessness is completely contrary to.. Read More


关于天堂的另一件美好的事,就是与亲人团聚!与爱人、孩子、父母、亲戚、祖先、子孙、同工团聚,这将是不曾有过的最美好的家庭团聚。我们全都在同一时间,同一地点相聚,相聚在一个盛大豪华的天堂聚会中,欣喜欢呼着赞美上帝!这是天堂令我们期盼的另一方面。我们终于都相会了! 在那里的每一个人都是愉快、友爱、善良、乐于助人、温和、忠实、全心热爱上帝并彼此相爱的。完全是美好的!一个完美的社会,完美的团体,与上主及彼此在一起完美地联谊。那里没有憎恨、嫉妒、自私、残忍或任何这类不好的东西。每一个人都充满了爱——善良而美好!十全十美!每个人都像天使一样!是不是很美好?你一定会喜欢的!

Reunion With Loved Ones

Another wonderful thing about Heaven will be a reunion with our loved ones! It’ll be the greatest family reunion ever known, with your loved ones and relatives and children and parents and ancestors and descendants and fellow laborers and loves. There we will all be together in one place at the same time, rejoicing and praising the Lord all together in one great, grand Heavenly fellowship meeting. So that’s another.. Read More


耶稣,预言信息 凡劳苦担重担的到我这里来,我就给你们以安息。(马太福音11章28节) 在你学会了依靠我以后,没有什么事对你来说会是困难的。

Doing the Difficult

By Jesus, speaking in prophecy Come to me, all you that labour, and are burdened, and I will refresh you. Mat 11:28 When you have learned to lean on Me, nothing is too difficult for you.

书籍:擘饼的真谛--Cornel Marais

我和SIMON WILSON花了一些时间共同完成了这本手册——新契约之下的基本医治原则。我知道这只是一个简单概述,不能涵盖所有内容。接下来我们会逐渐完善、添加更多东西。这份材料是完全免费的,所以请你与身边的弟兄姊妹尽情分享! 全世界有很多同工正在将这本手册翻译成不同种语言。对此,我们感激不已!如果译文中有任何需要改进的地方,还请及时提出宝贵意见。 ——CORNEL MARAIS 本书各个章节之间连贯性、逻辑性较强。希望弟兄姊妹们用安静的心认真、完整地阅读此书。以免断章取义。 ——译者 下载这本书:擘饼的真谛

Book: Administering the Children’s Bread — Cornel Marais & Simon Wilson

Destroy the traditions of man that nullify the power of God in your life! Go back to square one and study the scriptures in this easy to read manual about healing under the New Covenant. No formulas, no digging in the past or endless fasting and praying, creating atmospheres or pressing into the presence! Just pure Jesus and His amazing GOOD NEWS! This manual has helped thousands of people see.. Read More

