







July  14

First impressions are usually the right ones, if you’re truly following the Lord.

If you love Jesus, are filled with the Holy Spirit, and are sincerely seeking God’s will, usually your first reaction is the right one. God speaks first. It can just be in that “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12) that you feel inside of you. Sometimes it’s not even words, but just an impression. God doesn’t have to communicate in words. He can just give you a feeling or a picture or an idea.

When you are in tune with the Holy Spirit and doing your best to stay in His will and obey Him, you have a strong clear channel with Him and pick up His signals—His answers and leadings—loud and clear. You’ve got to get not only in prayer, but you’ve got to get in the Spirit. Point your antenna in His direction, tune in, and the Lord will tell you exactly what you’re supposed to do.

When you’re asking the Lord to speak to you about a question or problem, you have to have faith. When you ask the Lord for an answer, expect an answer and take the first thing that comes. If you really believe and ask the Lord, you won’t be disappointed. That thing you see or hear with the eyes or ears of your spirit, that’s the Lord speaking to you. Expect God to answer!