






July  11

You believe in love as much as you love.

If you have real love, you can’t face a needy situation without doing something about it. You can’t just pass by the poor man on the road to Jericho. You must take action, like the Good Samaritan did (Luke 10:30– 37). It’s not enough to say, “Oh, I’m so sorry, how sad!”

There was a time when Jesus was very tired and He tried to escape the multitude for a little rest, but when He looked on the multitude, the Bible says He was moved with compassion, and taught and healed them (Mark 6:31–34; Matthew 14:13–14). Compassion must be put into action.

You can’t say that you believe in something if you don’t practice it. We should apply love as God intended for it to be applied—with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind (Matthew 22:37–39). That means to be truly concerned. It’s not saying, “I love you,” and then walking off and forgetting people in need. It’s not saying, “Be warmed and filled,” but not giving them the things they need when it’s in your power to help (James 2:16; Proverbs 3:28). Love without physical application is like faith without works, which is dead (James 2:26). Show love and compassion by putting kind deeds to your kind words (1 John 3:18).