









June  26

Love is more than righteousness, and mercy is greater than justice!

Love is the law of Christ today. “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’” (Galatians 5:14).

Love is really stricter than the Mosaic Law because it goes further than the Law. In the Law there was virtually no forgiving and it was “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But Jesus said that even if our brother offends us seventy times seven times and is sorry, we should forgive him (Matthew 5:38–39; 18:21–22). Now everything must be done in His love. 

We must have more mercy and more love than the Law!

People only obeyed the Law because they had to, and most people only did as much as they were made to do. But love goes all the way. Love will do the right thing and go the distance for someone else. The Spirit of God in us will give us the power and the strength to love others more than ourselves.


This is what God has been working on all the time: to persuade us to do things through the right, loving motivation, because we love Him and others and therefore want to do what’s right.