







June  18

The truly loving are truly humble, and the truly humble are truly loving.

You’ve got to admit, a big part of love is humility. It takes humility to be affectionate and to receive affection. If you want to fall in love and accept real love, you have to be humble enough to forsake your pride and receive it.

This is true even of our relationship with the Lord. When we first hear that God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die in our place, we have to humble ourselves to receive God’s love. Receiving salvation is a humbling experience. Those who humble themselves receive not only forgiveness, but also an infilling of love they could never have imagined. But those who are too proud miss out on both, for “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6).

Humility and love are inseparable. You cannot have real love and not be humble, and you cannot have genuine humility without a lot of love. Pride’s fear of failure or refusal also prevents us from reaching out to and loving others as much as we should. Not so with humility. Humility has love and faith without fear (1 John 4:18). Love doesn’t care what other people think; it just loves in spite of what they think. So be humble—and love!