April 5

“By His stripes, we are healed!” (Isa.53:5)

                What does that mean, “By His stripes we are healed”? The original Hebrew word translated here as “stripes” literally means “bruises, hurts, wounds”. Just as Jesus’ BLOOD was shed for the Salvation of our SPIRITS, His BODY was broken for the healing of our BODIES.

                Jesus didn’t have to suffer in His body for our SINS. He only had to shed His BLOOD & die for our sins. But to save OUR bodies it took HIS body. His body suffered & was broken for us in a number of ways.–The crown of thorns, the beatings, the wounds, the pain & agony, so that through this He could also atone for our SICKNESSES!

                What is atonement? It means payment that has already been made. Jesus has bought our souls or spirits with His blood & we are saved, but He has also bought our bodies with His sufferings. So if you’ve been sick & you need healing, claim it by FAITH, & it’s there for you!

                Do you believe that Jesus suffered for you, not only for your sins but for your body, for your sicknesses, for your healing? If so, you can claim the miraculous power of God’s healing! It’s yours already for the asking!









April 6 四月六日