
The Secret Garden


与流行的错觉恰恰相反,上帝并不期望你去自行解决问题,去自己照料自己。 他对你本人很感兴趣,很想直接和你单独谈话。他将会回答你的问题,解决你的困难;在你迷茫时,赐给你智能;在你迷路时,指出你的方向;在你消沉时,振作你的精神。他还能使你成为别人的力量和鼓励。他对你的爱,会从现在起,一直延续到永远。 你想知道上帝是怎样来对你本人讲话的吗?请你按部就班地遵循本书中所说的这些方法,去发现《聆听天国声音》的奇迹吧! 下载此书 : 聆听天国的声音

Book: Hearing from Heaven

Contrary to a popular misconception, God does not expect you to sort out your own problems and fend for yourself! He has a very personal interest in you, and wants to speak to you personally and directly. He will answer your questions, solve your problems, give you wisdom when you’re bewildered, lead the way when you feel lost, lift your spirits when you’re low, make you a strength and encouragement.. Read More