
The Secret Garden


将负担交给耶稣   我心渴想你的救恩,仰望你的应许。我因盼望你的应许,眼睛失明,说:“你何时安慰我?” 我的性命几乎归于尘土,求你照你的话将我救活。我述说我所行的,你应允了我。求你将你的律例教训我。 我的心因愁苦而消化,求你照你的话使我坚立。 你开广我心的时候,我就往你命令的道上直奔。  求你记念向你仆人所应许的话,叫我有盼望。这话将我救活了,我在患难中,因此得安慰。 耶和华啊,我记念你从古以来的典章,就得到了安慰。 ——诗篇119:81-82,25-26,28,32,49-50,52   耶稣爱我们每一个人,非常爱!他看得到我们的困苦。他知道我们在人生低谷时所经历的或许会将自己压垮的疑惑和挫折。

Let Jesus Bear It

Let Jesus Bear the Weight I am worn out waiting for your rescue, but I have put my hope in your word. My eyes are straining to see your promises come true. When will you comfort me? I lie in the dust; revive me by your word. I told you my plans, and you answered. Now teach me your decrees. I weep with sorrow; encourage me by your word. I.. Read More


如果耶稣说他享受你和他每日的交谈,你会怎么反应? 想像一下这个画面——耶稣走到你的桌前,出乎我们意外地充满爱意地说,“我只是想谢谢你,感谢你我之间所有的交谈。希望我们每天都能这样做!”“但是主啊,我根本没有听到你的声音,”你会这样回答,还会有点不好意思。然后主回答说,“你不仅听到了我的声音,而且我们还进行了天国里曾经有过的,最棒的谈话! 你就是为了这样的时刻出生的,这样我们可以交流,就像你在世上时我们经常做的。”“这不可能!”你可能会坚持,因为你可能会觉得耶稣的话很难相信,或者根本无法相信。这话简直太美好,好得不可能是真的。 (John 10:27 NLT).


What If Jesus Told You He Enjoyed Your Daily Chats Together?   Picture this—Jesus walks up to our table, surprises us both and says directly and lovingly to you, “I just wanted to thank you for all the talks you and I have had together. I look forward to them every day!” “But, Jesus, I don’t ever hear your voice,” you would protest, embarrassingly. Then the Saviour replies, “Not only.. Read More


赞美的大能 30年来,吉姆的父亲一直是一个酒中,吉姆的母亲,他自己及他年青的妻亲,但是从未有明显的结果。他父亲从徒,若有何人向他提及宗教,他便勃然  有一天,吉姆听我谈到若我们开始赞美神,而不是求神改变那些伤害我们能便会显露。他将这次聚会的录音带带朋友们听。一天,这录音使他恍然大悟亲的情况赞美神。他便很激动的把这想 亲的情况赞美神。他便很激动的把这想爱的让我们为爸爸的酗酒感谢主、赞美神在他生命中奇妙的安排!” 下载此书 : 赞美的大能

Book: Power in Praise by M.R. Carothers

The Power in Praise Jim’s father had been an alcoholic for thirty years. All those years Jim’s mother, and later Jim and his young wife, had prayed that God would heal him, but with no apparent result. Jim’s father refused to admit that he had a problem with alcohol, and stalked out in anger if anyone ever mentioned religion to him. One day Jim heard me speak about the power.. Read More