
The Secret Garden


祷告其实就是和耶稣之间的交流,就像你跟好朋友谈话一样。你不必遵循任何程序,他总是可以听见你。祷告是否有效并不取决于你身在何处,而是取决于你心在何处。 把你心里所想的告诉耶稣。他喜欢听你倾诉。 他要么会解决你所面对的困难,要么赐给你力量,帮你度过这些难关。 或者,他会向你透露如何运用上帝所赐予的权柄,以耶稣的名义对那些困难说出“命令式祷告”,以此去压倒困难。(见第三条)后续将有更多关于命令式祷告的内容。

What is Prayer?

Prayer is simply communicating with Jesus, just like you would talk to a good friend. You don’t have to follow any routine for Him to hear you. To be effective, prayer doesn’t depend on the position of your body, but the position of your heart. Just tell Jesus what’s on your mind. He loves to listen to you. He’ll either: Solve the problems that you face, or give you the.. Read More