
The Secret Garden


为什么上帝不介入来停止世上的苦难? 作者:Elena Sichrovsky “如果上帝真那么爱我,为什么他取走了查理?”我能理解这个14岁的罗珊娜的问题后面的痛苦。当她还是一个孩子时,她的姐姐被绑架并且杀害了。现在,就在几个月以前,她的哥哥被一列火车撞倒身亡。经历了这一系列丧失亲人的痛苦之后,她从情感上和精神上彻底崩溃了。“上帝可以掌管任何事情。上帝可以让他想发生的任何事情发生。他这么有能力,他想做什么都可以。他是上帝。但是他却没有阻止这一切!”她继续说道。

A Perfect World

“Why doesn’t God step in to stop the suffering in this world?” By Elena Sichrovsky “If God loves me so much, why would He take Charlie away?” I could understand the pain behind fourteen-year-old Rosanna’s question. When she was a child her older sister was kidnapped and murdered, and now just months ago her older brother had been hit and killed by a train. Emotionally and mentally she broke under.. Read More