
The Secret Garden


~ 怎样停止失败 开始获胜 ~ 作者:吉尔博士 第二课:地上权柄 大地被造 上帝所创造的 《创世记》告诉我们上帝创造天地。 《创世记》一章一节:起初,上帝创造天地。 撒但来到地上 《启示录》十二章七节:天上发生了战争。米迦勒和他的天使对戾龙作战,戾龙和牠的使者也起来应战。

Authority of the Believer – Lesson 2

How to Quit Losing & Start Winning By A.L. Gill Lesson Two: Authority on Earth EARTH CREATED­­­ By God In Genesis we are told that God created the earth. Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Satan Came to Earth Rev 12:7-9 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,