
The Secret Garden


你对上帝的服事,可以蓬勃发展,却同时与上帝之间缺乏一种欣欣向荣的关系。但这情形只是暂时的。任何人都可以在短期内假装与上帝有亲密的关系;但要长期有这种关系,你就必需与耶稣之间有一种充满激情的灵性生活,时时保持与他亲近。牧师们往往会让忙碌的服事和准备讲道等,取代了他们与耶稣之间的真实 而个人的关系。但上帝要对你更好。 与耶稣有欣欣向荣的关系之三个要素……

How to Have a Thriving Intimacy With God

You can have a thriving ministry without a thriving relationship with God, but only temporarily. Anyone can fake it in the short run, but to go the distance, you need a passionate devotional life and continual closeness to Jesus. Often, pastors tend to allow the busyness of ministry and the necessity of studying for sermon preparation to replace a real, personal walk with Jesus. But God wants better for you.