
The Secret Garden


“你与人所同有的信心 显出功效 使人们知道你们各样善事 都是为耶稣基督做的。”(腓利门书1:6) 我们,作为上帝的子民,承蒙感召,需学会先安息再做工。希伯来书的作者如此告知我们,这安息可使我们的信心与上帝的应许相连结。简单来说,我们通过在基督里面来达到这个目的。

Working from Rest – Part 1

“That the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.” (Philemon 1:6) We, as the children of God, are called to work from rest. As the writer of Hebrews told us, this rest is where our faith intersects the promises of God. Simply put, we do this by abiding in Christ.