
The Secret Garden


谦卑就像一块磁铁,它会吸引他人的喜悦赞同,吸引祝福。你变得越是谦卑,就会变得越有吸引力!谦卑的心态吸引荣誉,吸引人喜爱,吸引祝福。骄傲的心态则会排斥这些。 当你谦卑自己时,圣灵会替你承担重担。谦卑允许上帝去做上帝会做的事。谦卑是获得属灵权威的关键:越是谦卑等于越有权威。

Humility – A Gateway to Blessing

Humility is like a magnet that attracts favor, attracts blessing. The more humble you become, the more magnetic you become! A humble spirit attracts honor, attracts favor, attracts blessing. A prideful spirit repels it. When you humble yourself, the Holy Spirit does the heavy lifting. Humility allows God to do what God does. Humility is the key to spiritual authority: more humility = more authority.