
The Secret Garden


马太福音 28:20 我就天天都与你们同在。 “他与我同在” 暴风的乌云和阵阵强烈的狂风突然向美国阿尔派恩小学校袭来,收音机里也传来了龙卷风已经来临的警告。这时候,要送孩子们回家是极其危险的;因此,我们便把他们都带到了地下室。在地下室里,孩子们恐惧地挤作一团;就连教师们也显得有些焦虑不安。为了缓解紧张的气氛,校长提议大家一起共唱一首歌;但众人的嗓音却是那么微弱无力,毫无激情。孩子们一个接一个地哭开了,我们无法让他们安静下来。

He’s With Me

Mathew 28:20 I (Jesus) am with you always. “He’s with Me” Storm clouds and strong gusts of wind had come up suddenly over the Alpine Elementary School. The radio blared tornado warnings. It was too dangerous to send the children home. Instead, they were taken to the basement, where they huddled together in fear.