
The Secret Garden

借着祷告而获救 (二)

“有求必应”的信心 有一位牧师在传福音4的时候,很想让自己的教会成员能够明白这样一个原则,即:什么是“有求必应”的信心?有一次,他掏出了一块昂贵的怀表,并表示要赠送给坐在前面一排的男孩子们。 “小家伙,你想不想要这块怀表?”他问一个年龄最大的男孩子。 “你可骗不了我!我知道你并不当真。”那男孩子回答说。

Saved by a Prayer (Part 2)

Appropriating faith In a desperate attempt to teach the principle of appropriating faith to the members of his church, a preacher once offered his expensive pocket watch to a group of boys sitting on the front row. “Sonny, would you like to have this watch?” he asked the oldest boy. “You can’t fool me! I know you don’t mean it,” answered the boy.

借着祷告而获救 (一)

如果你认真地想一想的话,就会明白:我们所使用的现代通讯手段,对仅仅是前几代人来说,也许是根本就不可能理解的东西。我们不假思索地拿起电话来和几千英哩之外的人聊天,或者给住在地球另一端的同学发送电子邮件,并确信:在几分钟之内,他们就会收到。 就像我们的祖先对电话通讯和国际网络所感到的不可思议一样,有些从未尝试过祷告的人,对祷告的概念也感到不可理解。尽管如此,通过祷告与耶稣接通联系,就像你给挚友打电话一样地简单、真切和实在。你绝对不会听到占线的忙音,也绝对不会听到电话录音器的应答;而且,你还不用花长途电话费。

Saved by a Prayer (Part 1)

When you stop to think about it, our modern means of communication would probably be totally incomprehensible to someone living only a few generations ago. Yet without a second thought we pick up the telephone and talk with someone thousands of miles away, or send a letter via e-mail to a colleague on the other side of the world, which were confident they’ll receive in a matter of minutes. Although.. Read More