
The Secret Garden

Book: From the End to Eternity

By Scott MacGregor Armageddon is over! Heaven on Earth has come. From the End to Eternity, sequel to The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist, covers the fascinating future of the world after it has been salvaged from the hell the Antichrist tried to turn it into. The thousand-year reign of Christ on Earth, the initial era of this future, will be a time of peace and progress as the.. Read More

Book: The Rise & Fall of the Antichrist

By Scott MacGregor There have been many “Rise and Fall” books written over the years, each one dealing with the history of a civilization, an ideology, or a person that has had a marked impact on the world. This is also a history book—but one with a difference: Although the history covered in this book has already been recorded in celestial annals, it has yet to occur  on Earth. It.. Read More

Who is Jesus?

“This Jesus of Nazareth, without money and arms, conquered more millions than Alexander, Caesar and Napoleon. Without science and learning He shed more light on things human and things divine than all philosophers and scholars combined. Without the eloquence of schools, He spoke such Words of Life as were never spoken before or since, and produced effects which lie beyond the reach of orator or poet. Without writing a single.. Read More

For God’s Sake -Follow God!

It’s thrilling to us how the Lord is working. When God starts something, God is going to keep it going, and He is going to conclude it in His time. He who hath begun a good work in us is going to perfect it unto the end! In spite of the problems and questions, the Lord is in it, and God is working. You cannot look to your own wisdom,.. Read More

Will You Walk In Your God-given Authority Today?

The World is Getting Darker…But We Should Get Excited! May 15 2016 We are sitting on the verge of the most crucial time in history in our lifetime. 18 months ago, I had a vision of a city in a dark cloud. The cloud looked like a wave starting to cover the town. The Lord spoke to me and said that there is a new darkness and a new wave.. Read More

In Search of Truth!

–Answers to Many of Life’s most Meaningful Questions! “WHAT IS LIFE ALL ABOUT?–WHAT AM I HERE FOR? IS THERE A PURPOSE, A PLAN FOR ME?–AND IF SO, WHAT IS IT?” Questions such as these have stirred the soul and imagination of Man throughout the ages. Regardless of our country, colour or creed, our hearts all hunger for the same things–for lasting love, genuine happiness and peace of mind, truth and.. Read More

Book: Hearing from Heaven

Contrary to a popular misconception, God does not expect you to sort out your own problems and fend for yourself! He has a very personal interest in you, and wants to speak to you personally and directly. He will answer your questions, solve your problems, give you wisdom when you’re bewildered, lead the way when you feel lost, lift your spirits when you’re low, make you a strength and encouragement.. Read More

The Kaleidoscope of God’s Love

*Points to Ponder* Love is like a stream. Some days it flows and rushes, for there is plenty. On other days it trickles, and you can see it bouncing against the unseen rocks. But even when love is dry and has lost its flow and lies nearly empty on the muddy bottom, there is more love to come. We remember how Jesus loved, how He forgave, and how He reached.. Read More

Book: The Future Foretold

By Michael Roy As we move into the next millennium, many of us can’t help but wonder what the future holds for us and our planet. Are we on the threshold of a brave New World Order, with peace and plenty for all? Or are we tottering on the brink of unprecedented chaos and disaster? — Or both? This booklet provides answers that will prepare you for what’s ahead. Download.. Read More