
The Secret Garden


继上一支激励人心的纪录片「上帝的手指」后,导演Darren Wilson不断地跟神持续寻求异象,而神也回应了祂的祷告,感动他拍摄「炽烈的爱」这支纪录片。拍摄社会上所存在的残忍写实好像不是太困难,但是若要拍摄的是无形无色无味的“爱”呢?该如何将神无条件的爱为人带来压倒性的生命改变呈现在萤幕上?整部片中Darren深入了许多充斥黑暗权势的地方、城市以及国家,希望能透过团队拍摄,记录下神在这些地方不断地彰显祂的信实与慈爱,整个行程拍摄结束后Darren约莫花了三个月的时间闭关,专心祷告寻求圣灵引导他剪接这支片子,盼望这支纪录片能透过圣灵感动每一个看的人。

Furious Love

In the documentary Finger of God, filmmaker Darren Wilson chased miracles. For his new documentary, Furious Love, he chased love. In his easygoing style, Wilson narrates the journey and courageously asks his own questions. “God showed me that His love is not contingent on my belief in it,” Wilson narrates. “It can shine brightest when there is no agenda attached to it.”