
The Secret Garden


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Heaven and its pleasures

Sometimes the sorrows and disappointments of this life can weigh heavily on our hearts. When things don’t work out, or when we suffer personal defeats or losses, the strain of it all can sometimes make us wonder if anything we do is worthwhile. Can sincere and honest individuals truly succeed in creating a better society in a world where all too often evil, corruption and mans selfishness seem to prevail?.. Read More


上帝并没有死去!他仍然安康、健在,并愿意、也准备随时随地向他的孩子们说话!他也很想与你交谈! 你或许会问:“那怎么可能呢?” 为了理解伟大的上帝,宇宙的创造者,怎么能够与你直接地进行交流,或者,为什么他甚至会想这么做,你必须首先明白:上帝是多么地爱你!他深深地爱你,甚至曾把自己的儿子,耶稣,派到世上来,并为了你的过错而死。因此,你只需要相信和接受耶稣为你的救主1,就能得到宽恕,并获得上帝的礼物,即:在天国2得到永生3。虽然耶稣为了全世界的人们所犯的过错而死,但是即使只是为了你一个人的话,他也仍会去这么做。他和他的天父就是如此地爱你!

God Still Speaks

God isn’t dead! He’s alive and well, and still ready, willing and able to speak to His children-and He wants to speak to you. “How can that be?” you may ask. In order to comprehend the answer to that-how the great God and Creator of the universe could communicate directly with you, or why He would even want to-you must first understand how much God loves you. He loves you.. Read More


如果你听说:有人已为你买下了一座崭新的、富丽堂皇的大厦,而且还替你付清了款项的话,你会相信吗?如果这事已被写成了书面文件的话,又会怎样呢?你能相信吗?假设你相信了的话,你会做些什么呢?你是否会前往新居观赏它呢?你是否想看一下它的设计图,或询问一下它周围的邻舍、景致、气候,以及其它任何你能够想到的细节呢?你是否会开始梦想自己乔迁新居的那一天呢?这个消息是否会改变你的生命和目前的生活目标呢? 是的,有人已经答应要给你这样一座大厦。他就是耶稣。他已经把自己的应许写在了《圣经》里:“在我父的家里有许多住处……,我去原是为你们预备地方去……,我在哪里,叫你们也在哪里。”(约翰福音14:2-3)。 那么,你想知道在那座大厦里的生活是什么样子的吗?这篇文章会让你瞥到今生之后的美丽生命,它正在等待着你。如果你接受了耶稣的话,这一切就都是属于你的了;你不用付款,也不用交税金,更不用付维修费。听上去,这是否有点好得出边了呢?这不过只是一个开端而已。

The Amazing Journey

If you were told that a brand-new palatial mansion was yours, bought and paid for, would you believe it? What if it was in writing? Then would you believe it? Suppose you did, then what? Wouldn’t you want to find out where your new home was and what it looked like? Wouldn’t you want to see the plans? Wouldn’t you ask about the view, the neighbors, the climate in that.. Read More

You are valuable beyond measure

You are valuable, you are loved, and someone knows you even better than you know yourself. There is an image and likeness imprinted upon your being that is the basis of your value … a value beyond your wildest dreams. Coins used to have the face of the person who guaranteed their value, minted onto them. Any note or coin has a guarantor, a person or institution that guarantees its.. Read More


God created us to have an appetite for the supernatural. It has been said, “We are not physical beings who occasionally have a temporary supernatural experience; we are supernatural beings having a temporary physical experience.” The spirit realm is all around us, and it is more real than the physical realm we live in and experience every day. Whether we believe in it or not, our lives are intricately affected.. Read More

