
The Secret Garden


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Try This! It Works!

Have you been searching for purpose and meaning in your life? Do you sometimes feel like you are being forced into somebody else’s mold, or are stuck in an endless cycle of work, worry, and a seemingly meaningless struggle for survival? Do you want to know what the real purpose for your life is and find true meaning and fulfillment and discover your destiny? The answers are all right here!


在冬日的一个早上我在一个十字路口停下,强劲的北极风敲击着我的车。我发现一名年轻女子站在旁边的街上,用手互相搓着跳着脚取暖。她旁边放着一个牌子,上面写着:“我有一个孩子,没有食物。” 她的脸看起来像是她一直在哭,可能是凛冽的寒风带来的痛苦。

Where There’s a Need

I found myself stopped at an intersection on a wintery day. Strong arctic wind battered my car. I spotted a young woman who stood alongside the street rubbing her bare hands together and dancing in place to keep warm. Beside her rested a sign that read, “I have a baby and no food.” Her face showed she had been crying, likely from the pain of the bitter wind.

Living in Heaven’s Blessings Now (Part 2)

By Gloria Copeland Take Off the Limits Jesus didn’t intend for those breakthroughs to stop at the end of His earthly ministry, either. He commissioned His disciples to continue His ministry. He told us to go about healing the sick and bringing other heavenly breakthroughs, saying, “The kingdom of God has come close to you” (Luke 10:9, Amp Bible).

Living in Heaven’s Blessings Now (Part 1)

By Gloria Copeland Where do you live? I realize that’s a simple question, but I want you to stop and think about your answer for a moment. Your immediate response might be to name a country or a city. You probably think of the spot on this earth where you wake up each morning and go to bed each night—the place where you keep your natural belongings. But if you’re.. Read More


他作为一个幼小、软弱、无助的婴儿降生到人世。他的母亲是一个淳朴、谦卑的女孩,她从未与男人同寝过,却因奇迹而怀上了他!事实上,她怀孕的消息把 她的未婚夫惊呆了,乃至他立刻决定要解除婚约,取消婚礼。——直到一位大能的天使干预,吩咐他照旧与她结婚,抚养并保护她所怀的这个特别的孩子。

Lover of all Lovers

He came to earth as a tiny, weak, helpless baby, born to a simple, humble young girl who miraculously conceived the child, having never slept with any man! In fact, the news of her pregnancy was so shocking that when the man to whom she was engaged to be married learned about it, he promptly decided to break the engagement and call off the wedding.—Until a powerful heavenly being intervened.. Read More

